"But now ask the animals and let them teach you; AND THE BIRDS OF THE HEAVEN, and let them tell you. Or let the fish of the sea declare to you. Who among all these does not know that The Hand of The Lord has done this; In whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind."

Job 12:7-10

female Bufflehead (Binder Lake, MO)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Stinson Creek outing

Sharp-Shinned Hawk

Cedar Waxwing

Carolina Wren

It was a wonderful sunny winter day. I was surprised by the amount of berry bushes that lined Stinson Creek, near our house. Apparently, the cedar waxwings, starlings, American robins, white-throated sparrows and yellow-rumped warblers knew of this place beforehand. I added "Sharp Shinned Hawk" to my lifer list. I was elated to get some nice pics of the waxwings too. GOD IS SIMPLY BEYOND AMAZING WHEN IT COMES TO BIRD SONGS; COLORS....I see HIS fingerprints all over creation.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I encountered two new visitors to the Dixie feeder this morning. Overall I think me has a bird count of 27 species so far this fall. I like what I see and can't wait to become a 'Master Gardener'. Through this course I will be able to maximize the bird count via the green environment.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

American Goldfinch & Chicadee

American Goldfinch family

American Goldfinch loner

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker (juv)

Tufted Titmouse

The blessings of warm summer days IN THE MIDDLE OF NOVEMBER never ceases to amaze me. I am, for one, not complaining. I put up the first of many to come bird feeders. I have seen about 27 species so far. Today I encountered a small group of American Goldfinches. They were accompanied by several Nuthatches; Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers; Tufted Titmouses and Cedar Waxwings.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dixie Birdz #1

Yellow Rumped Warbler
White Breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren

This is hopefully one of many treats in-store from my backyard. We recently moved into a new house in Fulton, Missouri. I loved the playfulness of the Yellow-Rumped warblers, Carolina wren, and White Breasted nuthatch.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ruby throated humming bird frenzy

I, along with my wife and father in law, visited a friend's home for a nice Sabbath (Saturday) lunch. Upon arrival our attention was riveted to the three hummingbird feeders outside a window overlooking the front yard. At a single time, I counted approx 15-20 feeders and flyers. God is good to remind us of HIS love through these little feathered friends.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sutter Farm Birdlife

Today I managed to finally get some good views of a Red Tailed Hawk; and a lifer "Orchard Oriole". I am thankful to the Lord for always speaking to my stressful heart with His still small voice through Birding. I am amazed at the seemingly effortless flight patterns and wide variety of colors.
(from top to bottom: Red Tailed Hawk 1,2,3; Orchard Oriole; Eastern Kingbird)

Friday, April 16, 2010

ChangKyoungGung Spring lake (Seoul)

It was a wonderful Spring day here in Seoul. Upon enjoying one of the many Korean Palaces, we came across a small lake where it seems there were dozens of Mandarin Duck that called that place home. Such amazing ducks.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring fever @Uiwang - Part 2

Mandarin Duck

Spot-Billed duck

Mandarin Couple

Tufted Duck (f)

Tufted Duck (f)

I enjoyed the various birds found in their suitable habitats. God is so creative with their different colors, flight patterns, and calls.

Spring Fever @ Uiwang-Part 1

Naumann's Thrush

Grey Heron


Common Snipe

Common Reed Bunting

Spring is on its lil merry way. Lots of avian activity due to the spring-like weather...I'm not complaining at all. These probably will be some of my last posts in Korea...My wife and I leave at the end of April.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Uiwang Late winter rush

Mallard Family
Eastern Buzzard
Marsh tit
Dusky Thrush

It was nice to stretch the legs and walk around the LAKE today. The weather was generally overcast and the lake somehow(?) overflowed into some surrounding rice fields giving a lot of birds extra feeding activities.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Coal Tit & Korean Red Squirrel

It was a slow day at Dobongsan. I was quite amused by a playful Coal Tit & a Korean Red Squirrel. Two squirrels were quite busy manufacturing nests (one used brown burlap-the other used twigs in a tree hollow).

Friday, February 26, 2010

Okksu: February 26, 2010

It was quite a treat to watch a Tufted Duck couple dive close to where I had positioned myself...Jesus is very creative to say the least. On another note, how predictable am I, as compared to the mannerisms of the 'Divers'?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Uiwang Lake

It was a super day at Uiwang, despite the fact that my camera decided to freak out (time to see if Canon A/S can fix it). Massive numbers of Mallard, Spot-billed, Bean Goose, Greater White-Fronted Goose and Eurasian Teal. Highlights of the day were a Northern Goshawk feeding and 2 Red-billed starlings (a personal first).