"But now ask the animals and let them teach you; AND THE BIRDS OF THE HEAVEN, and let them tell you. Or let the fish of the sea declare to you. Who among all these does not know that The Hand of The Lord has done this; In whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind."

Job 12:7-10

female Bufflehead (Binder Lake, MO)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Pelicans dropping from the sky

It was a rather boisterous day at Eagle Bluffs. Thank the Lord for the marble blue skies and warm sunshine. The raptors sure had a field day in  the sky riding the thermals. One of the biggest thrills was seeing about 150+ pelicans soaring with no care in the world.  I had so hoped to see the 3-6 Sandhill cranes BUT TO NO AVAIL. I guess my timing was a little off. Still, it was a good day to get out and praise the Lord.

                             American White Pelican                                      

                                 Green winged Teal

Red Tailed Hawk (juv)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

American Coot


Northern Goshawk (juv)

Northern Shoveler

Bald Eagle

It was such a fantastic wintery sunshiny day with my wife at Eagle Bluffs CA. I love this place with all its diversity in watery habitats. Avain life beckoned at every turn (either on foot or car). Jesus certainly spoke to our hearts about the wonders of His Creatorship through the calls, songs, colors and personalities of the birds.